Thursday, March 20, 2008

feed your jewelry to the sea

i am completely blown away by barack obama's speech on race. whether you support him or not you should do yourself a favor an read it ( not only does he have the best stance on almost all the big ticket policies, he actually has the right attitude to make a difference in the shitstorm we call politics because he's not just another politician. people say he's too young and he's only spent one term in congress but i'm convinced that's one of the strongest things he has going for him. we've spent 8 years dealing with a president who cared more about lobbyists and pundits than the people, enough is enough. he also has the kennedy's going for him which is a big deal for me because in my humble opinion they are collectively some of the most inspiring and talented people washington has ever seen.
ive always liked this video, maybe he can say it better than i can.

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